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Responsible Mining

"During 2023, we achieved several operational and financial records as we continue to transform the Kainantu Gold Mine into one of the next world-class, Tier-1 gold mines. We also received continued recognition for our enduring commitment to sustainable development and gender diversity, including receiving the Outstanding Community Humanitarian Initiative from the PNG Chamber of Resources and Energy for the second consecutive year, which was awarded in 2023 for K92’s Women in Mining Program.

We are very proud of the contributions we continued to make to the PNG economy throughout the year, including employing nearly 1,700 people, approximately 94% of whom are PNG Nationals. In addition, we procured $105.0 million from PNG-based companies and remained the second-largest taxpayer among mining companies in the country with $26.8 million in taxes and royalties paid. We also spent $1.3 million on training and development as part of our commitment to helping develop a robust talent pipeline in PNG.

We will look forward to another transformative year for the Company in 2024 as we continue to build on our strong momentum in delivering the Stage 3 and Stage 4 Expansions. Critically, our efforts will continue to be guided by our core values and our unwavering commitment to delivering sustainable value for generations to come.”

- CEO and Director, John Lewins


Our People

94% OF WORKFORCE FROM PNG One of the highest in the resource sector in PNG, with majority from local communities
LOCAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Through multiple Memoranda of Understanding implemented in partnership with PNG universities to help develop a robust pipeline of skilled mine workers
WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Awarded 2023 Outstanding Community Humanitarian Initiative award by the PNG Chamber of Resources and Energy for K92 Women in Mining Program
Education Focus Sponsoring 43 tertiary education students in 2023
Safety Lost-time injury frequency rate of 0.92

Our Communities

$105.0 MILLION In procurement to PNG companies in 2023
56% OF EXPENDITURES LOCALLY PROCURED Including $24.5 million to unique Joint Ventures
$26.8M IN TAXES AND ROYALTIES In PNG including corporate tax, payroll tax, royalties, and import duties
TAX CREDIT SCHEME Inaugural project launched representing investment of $6.6 million
$0.8 MILLION In direct community investments in 2023

Our Environment

Low Impact Small footprint underground mine, process plant and tailings designs
No Surface Waste Rock Through keeping waste rock underground as backfill or repurposing the waste rock as fill for expanding the tailings storage facility impoundment and other civil works
GHG REDUCTION TARGET 25% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 against a business-as-usual forecast
10 Million Tree Program Participant Contributing towards PNG’s goal of planting 1 million new trees a year for 10 years
HYDROELECTRIC POWER Significant source of power at the Kainantu operations
No Cyanide Used on site, eliminating key environmental and safety risks

“We are very committed to mining the exceptional natural resources of the Kainantu Gold Mine in a socially responsible manner and in many cases exceeding what is expected from us.”

- Philip Samar, Vice President, Government and Community Affairs, and former Managing Director, Papua New Guinea Mineral Resources Authority


“Development comes from knowledge and knowledge from reading”

- Mark Schubert, General Manager - External Affairs and Sustainable Development

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TSX:KNT $11.92
GOLD $0.00